Top Ten Things You Can Do Now to Improve Your Health and Nutrition
1. Increase your water intake
You've heard it repeatedly: make sure you drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. The key words are "at least," because, unless you are a child or the size of a child, you need more water than that. The rule of thumb is, for every 50 pounds of body weight you carry, drink one quart of bottled spring or filtered water per day. The average person weighs 150lbs, so they should drink three quarts per day. A 200lb person should drink a full gallon per day. Athletes should drink even more than that. Follow these guidelines and you've adopted one of the most crucial health habits.
Our bodies are mostly water, and so this ongoing intake of water is essential to our every function. Drink the appropriate amounts, and everything is much more likely to function at optimal levels. Don't drink enough water, and over the short term you will experience routine fatigue, dry skin, headaches and constipation; over the longer term, every body function will degrade more quickly. It really is as simple as that.
2. Take fish oils
- It is especially important to be conscious of eating more omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants while eliminating omega-6 trans fats. Omega-3 fats improve brain, heart, vision, and joint function, but our understanding of their immense health benefits is only beginning.
These two types of fat, omega-3 and omega-6, are both essential for human health. However, the typical American consumes far too many omega-6 fats in their diet while consuming very low levels of omega-3. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is 1:1. Our ancestors evolved over millions of years on this ratio. Today, though, our ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 averages from 20:1 to 50:1! That spells serious danger for you, and as is now (finally!) being reported throughout even the mainstream health media, lack of omega-3 from fish oil is one of the most serious health issues plaguing contemporary society.
The primary sources of omega-6 are corn, soy, canola, safflower and sunflower oil; these oils are overabundant in the typical diet, which explains our excess omega-6 levels. Avoid or limit these oils. Omega-3, meanwhile, is typically found in flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and fish.
By far, the best type of omega-3 fats are those found in that last category, fish. That's because the omega-3 in fish is high in two fatty acids crucial to human health, DHA and EPA. These two fatty acids are pivotal in preventing heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases. The human brain is also highly dependent on DHA - low DHA levels have been linked to depression, schizophrenia, memory loss, and a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's. Researchers are now also linking inadequate intake of these omega-3 fats in pregnant women to premature birth and low birth weight, and to hyperactivity in children.
Sadly, though, eating most fresh fish, whether from the ocean, lakes and streams, or farm-raised, is no longer recommended. Mercury levels in almost all fish have now hit dangerously high levels across the world, and the risk of this mercury to your health now outweighs the fish's omega-3 benefits. However, there are other, immensely healthy, safe sources of fish – free of mercury and other toxins. These include wild salmon, other wild, cold water fish, and smaller fish like anchovies. In addition to having low mercury levels, they help you live longer, and taste absolutely delicious. It is advisable to not EVER consume farmed fish, especially farmed (sometimes called Atlantic) salmon; also avoid tuna, swordfish, shark, and other big fish, as they bioaccumlate mercury and other toxins in their tissue.
Routine consumption of fish oil is another highly recommended method of increasing your omega-3 intake and improving your health, and is also the most convenient for today's busy lifestyles. Fish oil contains high levels of the best omega-3 fats - those with the EPA and DHA fatty acids - and, when it is in pure form, does not pose the mercury risk of fresh fish. When buying fish oil, look for products that have been found to be free of mercury, toxins or PCBs. Sometimes these products are labeled “molecularly distilled,” meaning that the good stuff (the fatty acids) have been separated from the bad stuff. It usually comes in liquid or capsule form, which can both be stored in the refrigerator. If you choose capsules, break one open and check to see if the oil smells fishy. Fishy smell is an indicator of rancid or poorly filtered oil. Liquid oil should also not taste fishy – it should smell and taste just like vegetable oil, but manufacturers often add subtle lemon or orange flavors. At Chiropractic First we like to add the liquid oil to fruit smoothies or vinaigrettes, or to mix it with applesauce or yogurt.
People who are taking blood thinning drugs should consult their chiropractor or medical doctor before beginning a fish oil regimine.
3. Eliminate trans fats
Omega-6 trans fatty acids are harmful to our health because:
- They make the cell membranes of our 75 trillion cells stiff and dysfunctional, leading our cells to have problems communicating. Neurotransmitters, hormones, polypeptides and proteins can no longer attach to the cell’s changing receptor sites. Shifting the fluid mosaic of the cell membrane, omega-6 fats also alter the physiology (or function) of the cell and the expression of cellular DNA.
- By prohibiting the functional attachment of certain proteins to the cell membrane, omega-6 fats alter the ability of ions to cross the membrane, changing the electrical potential across the membrane and leading to symptoms such as arrhythmias.
Additionally, the body processes omega-6 fats into prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which is pro-inflammatory, and may increase pain perception in people with chronic pain.
4. Eliminate glutamates
Glutamate is the neurotransmitter for pain signals. This means that eating glutamate actually increases your sensitivity to pain signals! What are you eating that has glutamate in it? Likely it is in more than you might realize. Go to for a complete list of words food manufacturers can use in ingredient labels to disguise the presence of glutamate, and avoid them!
5. Avoid artificial sweeteners
Avoid sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine and sucralose. Our bodies work best when given fuel originally found in nature and meant for animal consumption. Our ancestors thrived and grew on these foods for thousands of years; until, that is, a series of accidents in a chemistry lab gifted us with the artificial sweeteners we have today. A thorough discussion of the history and effects of artificial sweeteners can be found at
With so many health problems (stroke, Alzheimer’s, cancers, autism, diabetes) soaring to record numbers in the past few decades, it is worth examining the prevalence and effects of these insidious artificial sweeteners, and ending our dependence on them. Look for sweeteners in products you wouldn’t expect, too! Have you checked your toothpaste, cough drops, mouthwash, or chewable vitamins? Let’s do our research, be judicious, and get healthier!
6. Include antioxidants
Antioxidants should always be supplemented, especially in conjunction with fish oil. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body which could otherwise cause cancer. Be sure your antioxidant supplements are full spectrum, including: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (of mixed tocopherols), Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12.
Magnesium and Zinc, while not antioxidants, are neuroprotective and important for supplementation as well. Recent studies have suggested that copper and chromium are also essential minerals to include in your daily intake.
7. Consume organic fruits and vegetables, and choose grass-fed and free-range meats
Pesticides, fertilizers, artificial growth hormones, and antibiotics are used liberally with the produce and livestock we eat. Farmers include these additives to increase shelf life, improve the appearance of food, and ensure that the farmers get maximum profit from their crop. They are dangerous to the health of you and your family!
Did you know that 50% of the supply of antibiotics in the United States is used on animals meant for consumption? These antibiotics stay active in the system of humans after they are eaten, changing the way we process and absorb foods in our intestines. Limiting antibiotic use is essential to healthy intestinal function, and researchers are just beginning to confirm other deleterious health effects of antibiotic overuse.
Make conscious food choices, eating food grown locally, using sustainable, organic agricultural processes. It is not only better for you, but better for the environment. Chiropractic First enjoys the services from Organics To You, which makes it easy to eat healthfully and support local farmers.
8. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup is ubiquitous … used in everything from soft drinks and beers to bagels, ketchups, pasta sauces, processed meats and snack items, even foods that may be labeled as “health foods” like some protein bars … why do you think manufacturers use it instead of sugar or other natural sweeteners?
It is easily soluble, so it mixes well with a variety of other foods and food products. Also, it is 6 times cheaper than sugar AND corn is subsidized by the government.
Whereas glucose can be metabolized by any cell in the body, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) must be metabolized by triglycerides from the liver, causing cirrhotic livers in laboratory animals. The HFCS blocks insulin receptors, so the body cannot metabolize sugar properly when it needs to, contributing to increased insulin, insulin receptors, and gradual onset of type II diabetes.
In addition to diabetes, this increased insulin is also pro-inflammatory, generating chronic pain. Insulin excites production of arachadonic acid, which through a cascade of reactions, produces prostaglandin E2, the #1 generator of chronic pain. Imagine the foolishness of taking prescription pain medication to manage pain which could be alleviated by simply eliminating HFCS!
Check your labels. This should not be in your diet or the diet of your family.
9. Make time for relaxation, breathing, and exercise
We recommend getting at least 30 minutes per day of exercise, like brisk walking, yoga, swimming, or biking. Lifting weights with correct instruction and form will improve muscle tone and bone density and strength.
Relaxation is also essential to nervous system balance. Try this progressive relaxation technique before you sleep:
A) Lay flat on your back with legs uncrossed and a small towel roll under your neck
B) Bring your focus to your breath. Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose, hold it for 2-3 seconds and exhale completely from your mouth. Repeat 5 times.
C) Bring your focus to your toes. Gently squeeze them, hold for 2-3 seconds, then relax them completely. Monitor your body’s response and repeat as needed.
D) Next bring your focus to your feet and ankles. Squeeze, hold, and release. Maintain slow, even, relaxed breathing.
E) Be slow and deliberate as you move your focus up your body, using the same squeeze, hold, and release technique as you isolate your calves, your thighs, your hips and gluteal area, and so on.
F) Allow any tension you encounter in the different areas of your body to fall away.
G) Continue slow, even, relaxed breathing. Notice where you continue to store tension in your body, and either repeat the squeeze, hold, and release technique, or simply allow the tension to relax.
Why? Don’t take OUR word for it! Let’s check what the research says about chiropractic and posture.
Chiropractic compared with other treatments
An article published in Archives of Internal Medicine in October of 2004 compared patients with and without chiropractic coverage and care. They found that chiropractic was cheaper and more effective than other alternatives. Chiropractic is less invasive, has lower risks, and significantly higher patient satisfaction than medical alternatives
Spine July 15, 2003; 28(14):1490-1502
Treatment Drug Therapy (Celebrex or Vioxx) Acupuncture Chiropractic Adjustments
Years of Chronic Spinal Pain 4.5 years 6.4 years 8.3 years
% Asymptomatic within 9 weeks 5% 9.4% 27.3%
% that suffered an adverse event (side effect) 6.1% 0% 0%
% Improvement in General Health Status 18% 15% 47%
Spinal curvature correlates to disease
An article in Medical Times November 1921 examined 50 cadavers. 49 displayed minor curvatures of the spine which the author describes as rigid and apparently of long duration (hint: these are postural distortions and subluxations)
- The author found a total of 139 diseased organs. 128 out of 139 times, the curve in the cadaver’s spine correlated exactly with the segments known to feed that diseased organ!
o in the 11 which were discrepancies, the vertebrae implicated in the curve belonged to an adjacent segment either above or below it
- The authors deduced that the curvatures preceded the organic diseases
- Quote from the author: “The disease appears to precede old age and to cause it. The spine becomes stiff first and old age follows. Therefore, we may say a man is as old as his spine, the arteries becoming hardened later from constant vaso-motor spasm, following sympathetic irritation.” WOW!!
Chiropractic and Immune System Support (A History Lesson)
Chiropractic and the Great Flu Pandemic of 1917-1918
This study compared patients treated by chiropractic/osteopathic physicians with medically treated patients.
Patients under chiropractic care Patients under medical care
1 out of 866 patients died from their 1 out of 17 patients died from their
flu symptoms flu symptoms
Drugs used to treat flu, pneumonia, and other diseases were actually immunosuppressive, meaning they inhibit the ability of the immune system to fight off disease. It is noteworthy that the same drugs and classes of drugs are being used today: aspirin and acetaminophen. Chiropractic improves the function of the immune system rather than suppress it by releasing the nervous system from restrictions and allowing it to function properly.
Awareness of the biology of gravity
When a child plays with blocks, the center of gravity of each block must be vertically above the center of gravity of the one below to have a stable, balanced arrangement. If the center of gravity of one block lies outside the gravity line, stability is compromised. To think of the body as a stack of blocks is, obviously, a little simplistic, but the general principle still applies.
- IMPORTANT: there is only one stable, strain-free arrangement of the parts of the human body. The slightest deviation from a narrow peak of balance reduces optimum efficiency and requires corresponding compensations in other parts of the support system. Misalignment of any part will affect the whole system, and restoration of verticality is a way to address a wide variety of clinical problems
How safe is chiropractic treatment for young infants?
Chiropractic is a successful technique to treat disorders, especially wryneck, c-scoliosis, irritation of the brachial plexus, retardation of sensation and coordination, colic, or hyperactivity with sleeplessness.
Forensic Science International August 2002 observed that 40.1% of infants decreased their heart rate 15-83% following high cervical spinal cord adjustments. The authors also discussed the hypothesis that mechanical irritation (a.k.a. subluxation) of the high cervical region serves as a trigger that may be involved in sudden infant death.
Stimulating your nervous system and restoring (or helping to maintain) proper posture at Chiropractic First will improve many functions in your body.
Take time to stimulate your nervous system in other ways as well. It will keep you sharp. Do crossword puzzles, learn to play a musical instrument, read about a subject that interests you, drive a new route home tonight, minimize television viewing, or be creative with your own ways to tease your brain and nervous system into creating new synapses.
Yours in health,
Christopher Pierce, DC
Doctor of Chiropractic
Chiropractic First, llc
12820 SW Second St, Beaverton, OR 97005
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